Our Journey

Pirate Mates Meetup is a site for exploring the exciting world of pirates and their adventures. Our site combines interest in sea adventures with the world of virtual fantasy. Here you will find the widest collection of pirate games that will allow you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of continuous sea voyages, treasure battles and epic sea battles.

We offer games for every taste, from exciting platformers to strategic battles on ships. We invite you to join us on Pirate Mates Meetup and dive into games filled with exciting adventures and unexpected discoveries. Here, each game is a unique chance to explore the endless seas and discover new horizons.

Get ready for exciting pirate adventures on Pirate Mates Meetup, where each pirate game brings you incredible emotions and a sense of adventure.

Typical Questions

Does the game have a PvP (Player vs. Player) mode?

Many pirate games offer a PvP mode where you can fight against other players.

Does the game have a story or is it a completely open world?

It depends on the game, some have a story, others focus on the open world and freedom of action.

Is it possible to develop relations with NPCs?

Some games have interactions with NPCs that affect the story and quests.

What other genres are present in pirate games?

There are often elements of RPG, action, strategy, and even puzzles.